neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


obsessions and windows

In the two minutes since I read that there were 1051 people using diaryland right now and it said "diaryland is cool like kitten drool, fool!' I have used that saying exactly twice. It's a really great phrase. Andrew is a genius.

On to important matters. There was this person that spent a lot of time reading my diary. Over and over again. It was begining to worry me because I can't imagine sitting down and reading someones diary for like 7 hours at a time. This caused much stress in my life. Plus I don't know who they were and that bothers me that someone would spend that much time on my diary. Like what were they doing? Memorizing my life as I've portrayed it? It was just kinda creepy.

So today, I'm sitting here reading the diary of Tattoobelly. You see I've recently decided that HAVE to read every single one of her entries. I do that all the time, find someone that I enjoy reading then I become obsessive about reading everything they've written. Anyway, I got it in my head that today was the day that I was going to be able to read all of her entries since I didn't really have plans for today. So I sit down to read and realize that there are things that I am going to need to do. Housework type of things. I hate doing housework type things. So I reached back in the kindergarten section of my brain and came up with a reward system for myself. Yes, I am this pathetic, I usually don't notice it so please get that look off of your face before my self-esteem suffers). Anyway, my reward system was that for every chore I did I could read more of her diary. So I read some, did the dishes, read some more, vacuumed (I can barely perform this task, much less spell it), read some more, et al. Between these times I'd leave the page open on the computer so I would remember where I was at and so that the reward part of the process would be more instantaneous.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I still haven't finished reading all of them, and I'm still opened up on that page. That means that I've been on the page for probably well over 7 hours and she's probably looking at her stats feeling like it's a bit unnatural for someone to obsess over her diary this way. Anyway, I will no longer jump to conclusions about the reading habits of the people that read my diary.

In other news, my kindergartner has never gotten over the novelty of windows. He must have been a lifer in a windowless prison in a past life. Every time he gets near the window and sees another living being outside of the window (human, cat, dog, leaf blowing on a tree, whatever) he gets more excited than you can possibly imagine. If it's my neighbor that he's spotted (his name is Hank, if that doesn't tell you that I live in the south then I don't know what does, no offense to any hanks out there) then the kid starts jumping up and down, flapping his arms around and screaming that the top of his lungs "HANK! HANK! LOOK, I'M OVER HERE!!!!!" He then giggles maniacally. Or if it's an animal or a leaf or something he just jumps up and down and insists that I come share the amazing beauty that he is witnessing through this amazing magical see through wall. I can't wait until he's married and I can tell his wife these stories so she can pick on him about it.

Windows are cool like kitten drool, fool!

8:18 p.m. - 5.14.01


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