neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


kitchens, fashion, and child labor. oh my!

I think my body and my brain have implemented the silent treatment between each other. Now they just sit around ignoring each other all day. Especially when I'm trying to sleep. My body is under the impression that I only need 6 hours of sleep per 24 hour period. My brain begs to differ, but will not tell the body that this is the case. So while my brain sits happily around being idle and fairly worthless my body chugs right along trying to function as normal. They really need to resolve their issues and make nicey nice though, because this is wreaking havoc with my overall being, not to mention the overall well-being of the animals. So far this morning my brainless body has stepped on the dog, knocked over the betta tank (it's ok though, no fish were harmed in the making if this entry), and then, when I was trying to give the cat fresh water and pour my self a glass of pepsi I poured the pepsi in the cat dish. Perhaps I should let someone else take responsibility for the animals until such a time when my brain and body can get along.

I have free labor today. My best friend since high school has a nine year old that got suspended yesterday for 5 days. He did something really terribly awful which I won't go into here. She is "renting" him out while he's suspended. Anyone (of course she isn�t just letting anyone watch him, what I mean is anyone who she trusts, preferably people that have watched him before) who can watch him while she works gets a free yard cleaning. So at 7 o'clock this morning he showed up with his own rake, garden gloves, and a big ass box of trash bags. I feel kind of bad for him especially since we have a really close relationship and he thinks of me as his cool aunt. So you know he thought he'd get here and not have to do anything. Plus, he's grounded from television, playstation, computers, and just about everything else you could possibly imagine and he kind of had it in his head that once his mom left I'd let him do fun stuff. Not unless you call weeding my garden and raking up about a million leaves fun. Really though, I shouldn't feel all that bad because you know, paying the piper and all that jazz.

So I'm an evil tyrant with a clean yard and a new looking kitchen. Oh, I didn't tell you about my kitchen. I had really awful 70's colored yellowish green appliances which looked very retro but I hated them. Since they all worked perfectly I couldn't very well trash them and buy new ones so I did a bit of research and discovered the joys of engine enamel. That's the stuff with which you paint an engine (?! what is the purpose of this ?!). So off to discount auto parts I went and I stood there in a crowd of very manly men with very manly smells wafting off of them and picked out the color of my new appliances (aluminum). I didn't tell anyone why I was buying the paint so they all kind of stood in the line glancing back at me as though I possessed a special man gene that few women possess. A gene that enabled me to understand the importance of having a perfectly painted engine that just sits under the hood and no one sees anyway. I'm telling you, it was pure admiration that I saw gleaming in their eyes. In retrospect I wish I had adjusted my crotch and spit tobacco out of the corner of my mouth. Oh well.

Anyway, it turned out entirely better than I imagined it would. I figured it would look as though it had been painted. Do you know what I'm talking about, how when you paint some things they turn out looking like something you'd find at a yard sale for a quarter. It didn't though, it now looks as though I have stainless steel appliances. It looks like a new kitchen, and now that the avocado green is gone I can't paint the kitchen blue like I wanted to. YAY!!

The new colored appliances also lightened up the kitchen a lot. I'm one of those people that like everything in the house to be a bright color or a pretty pastel-ish (not too light pastel) color. For some reason I associate that with clean. Well lit and bright = clean. Meanwhile, go figure, I don't wear colors. If you go look in my closet right now you'd be hard pressed to find anything that isn't black, grey, white, or burgundy. It's because I'm a complete fashion moron and if I didn't limit my clothing to colors that all matched then I'd end up walking around in orange pants and a pink shirt or something similarly disastrous.

Sometimes it's helpful, when I start rambling on like this, for someone to look at me and yawn or start looking at their watches or make some other distracting "You're killing me" gesture. It's unfortunate that I can't see anyone who reads this because really, that would cut down on a lot of the drivel.

1:02 p.m. - 5.15.01


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