neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


lists are for losers

Late late late tomorrow night, more like really really really early Wednesday morning I'll be traipsing out of this house and into His arms for a late night reunion rendezvous.

Maybe then I'll quit whining so much eh?

In lieu of a real entry you guys are gonna get a list. Because I'm in a listy mood.

So here�s a far from comprehensive list of things that you would have never guessed about me. Or maybe things that you would have but I like to fool myself into thinking that I�m mysterious.

1. When Caleb was born I had a little nervous breakdown and felt that I was the worst mother in the entire world and how the hell did I think I was ready to have two children and what was I going to do when they (you know, They) realized that I shouldn�t be responsible for shaping young lives and came and took it all away from me?

2. When I had that little nervous breakdown, the least likely person in the world brought me out of it all. Joshua.

3. I have this intense need for everyone to like me. Even if I can�t stand them

4. My artichoke ignorance is so severe that at a recent function I became frightened that they�d make me eat one and I�d do it incorrectly and I�d be exposed as the fraud that I obviously am.

5. I tend to get really manic at odd times and have been known to laugh hysterically at the slightest provocation

6. As a teenager my mom took me to a drug rehab place while I was on LSD. Somehow I hatched a plan that I�d just laugh at everything they said. Which became unreasonably funny to the point where I could not quit laughing. So I laughed for roughly 3 and half hours straight and couldn�t talk the next morning when the counselors wanted to speak with me. They were convinced that my inability to speak correctly was an act designed to remain mentally elusive.

7. Later that same year my mom asked me if she could buy some acid from one of my friends.

8. I am insanely jealous but have gotten good at playing it off. For the most part.

9. Once I have picked up a book I HAVE to finish reading it. Even if it�s horrible.

10. I have a love affair with words. Not necessarily words that are strung together, I just like the sound of some words better than other. I�m big on phrases too.

11. Once I get it in my head to do something I will go through great lengths to do it.

12. Except I�m not a big finisher. I�m a great starter though.

13. Once when I was 16 I �fell in love� with this guy and decided that I could not live without him next to me all the time. So I moved in with him. At a trailer park. In a camper trailer. Off of the most prostitute riddled street in all of Jacksonville.

14. When referencing this time period in my life I always say �When I lived in the deluxe port-o-let.�

15. I also used to live on a pig farm. With real live pigs and cows. And it wasn�t one of those nice pretty farms with a nice pretty barn. It was a half assed farm with rotting pallets for pig pens.

16. My first day living at this pig farm I was looking out the window towards the street, cursing my fate, when I saw this perfectly green John Deere tractor thing driving down the road with a horse pasture in the background and I thought �well that�s kind of Norman Rockwellesque. This might not be THAT bad.� By the time that thought ran through my head the end of the tractor was passing by to reveal a dead cow tied to the machine being pulled across the pavement with torn skin all flapping around. Norman Rockwell indeed!

I think that�s probably more than enough to ingest in one sitting.

3:14 p.m. - 06.17.02


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