neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


my long list of shit you don't care about

TWO ENTRIES and it's not even 10 a.m. Someone write this down.

I'm bored and want to write an entry. But I don't want to talk about how much my car hates me and how it doesn't want to start in the morning. Or about how it teases me and starts but then cuts off as soon as I apply gas. So I'm going to write one of those lists that tells you guys a bunch of stuff that you don't give a flying fuck about and will not actually READ this entry but will instead just skim it, the whole time feeling jipped because you thought it was a real entry.

Mwa ha ha.

(that was my version of an evil laugh - mental note: work on evil laugh)

~I am NOT a morning person

~I don't know how to tell if melons are ripe

~I am addicted to root beer

~and Pepsi

~and lotion

~and chapstick

~I have too many addictions

~I have 68 bottles of fingernail polish but only paint my nails about once every two months

~When my house is cluttered it makes my brain feel cluttered and I don't function well

~My house is always cluttered

~This weekend I stole $10 in gas from the gas station by accident

~I didn't realize it until we'd gotten about 25 miles away

~I made billy turn around and go back so I could pay

~I don't like pizza

~I read obsessively

~Sometimes I'll buy a book because it looks really interesting, only to discover halfway through the book that I've already read it

~I color to relieve stress

~I don't like Katie Couric even though the rest of America seems to think she's the sweetest thing ever

~I think Steve, of Blue's Clues Fame, is incredibly sexy

~I watch Seventh Heaven EVERY DAY, I'll even set my alarm clock if I'm napping so as not to miss it.

~I'm a complete dork, seriously

~Goldschlager makes me do really bad things that don't make me proud

~I have cheated on my husband

~I don't drink Goldschlager anymore

~I really want a little girl

~I told someone a secret and she not really but a teensy bit gloated, which is making me want to gloat

~So ... neener neener neener, I have a secret

~I have flushed a living fish because he was a bully and I didn't like the little fucker

~I consult my magic 8 ball for all major decisions

~When I finish going through my current medical things I will join weight watchers because Squibnocket makes it sound so great

~My electric bill is always sky high because I never learned to turn off lights as I leave the room

~Me and Josh can have entire conversations that actually make sense using only quotes from Pulp Fiction

~Me and Billy play stupid little game where we call out a singer or band and the other one has to sing a verse from one of their songs

~alternately we'll listen to the radio and see who can guess the artist first

~last night we layed (lyed, I don't know) in bed playing this stupid little game until 2 a.m.

I think I should maybe quit now.

9:50 a.m. - 08.29.01


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