neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


the greatest husband in the entire world

I have got the greatest husband in the entire world.

He fully believes that Mothers Day should be changed to Mothers Weekend. It all started last night when we were going to bed. He gave me a spa certificate scheduled for today. He told me that he had arranged to get off work early so he could pick the kids up from school and I was to take my time and spend the day at the spa.

Full body massage (including some kind of strange body mask that was tingly and felt divine), facial, manicure, pedicure, and a haircut. With lots of goodies to take home with me. It must have cost him a fortune, which makes me feel guilty because I never spend this amount of time or money on myself and I kind of feel like it could better be spent buying new dish clothes, dish towels, and kitchen stuff. Anyway, it was pure heaven. Heaven.

To make things even better, he had taken the majority of the day off so that while I was being pampered he was making my house spotless. Even the toilets. He also bought me the big ass vase that I wanted and the blue and clear glass rocks so that when I did get home he took me straight out to the fish store and I got to get the goldfish that I wanted for the counter that divides our living room and kitchen.

We're getting take-out for dinner and I get to sit here watching chick flicks in his company for the rest of the night.

He's arranged for a babysitter for the entire day tomorrow and he won't tell me what he has planned and I'm so excited, I can't wait to find out what it is.

Since Sunday is officially Mothers Day, him and the kids are going to make me breakfast and I get to do whatever I want. Part of that day I'm taking my mom out to dinner and to the movies.

It's times like this that I realize exactly how much I take him for granted in my day to day life. He's been saving for this weekend since last June. That means that every week since last June he's been putting 20 bucks aside. He was still saving when I told him I needed personal time by myself and suggested that he take the kids and go somewhere for a while, like maybe antarctica. He was saving when I was such a bitch and yelled him for every little thing that he did. He was saving when I cried for two days and wouldn't talk to him even though he hadn't done anything to make me sad I was just depressed. He was saving through 11 weeks of PMS and the bullshit that goes with that.

I guess this entry is just saying that I have got the greatest husband in the entire world.

9:50 p.m. - 5.11.01


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