neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


great kids and chinese delivery, mmmm

Now that I don't actually go into the office to volunteer and this term is over in school I don't know what to do with myself.

Todays excitement involved crying at Regis and Kelly Lee (or whatever it's called now that they've put minikathy in the show) when they gave the deserving mother a makeover and a vacation and it was all because the husband really loves his wife and wrote a letter. Or the wife wrote the letter and made the husband play along for the free beauty/vacation booty. Whatever, I cried.

Then I watched 7th Heaven and cried when the daughter told the truth and trust was restored. This is also when I realized that pregnancy hormones may be overtaking my previously cynical personality.

X, my oldest son, almost got suspended today. When they called me and told me I almost fell over. X is the angelic child, the one that cries when he thinks he's hurt someones feelings, or when he sees an animal that he thinks is being treated cruelly. We once had to leave the zoo because X got himself all worked up about how sad it was that the animals were all locked up. I'm sure it didn't help that for the vulture display they have very realistic looking zebra carcass that they feed the vultures out of. Anyway, he almost got suspended because he punched a kid in the nose and made it bleed. The principal told me he was unprovoked. I went to the school to go pick him up and only then did I get the real story.

X is one of those kids that always befriends the outcasts of the popular crowd. His latest best friend is a very sweet girl that always gets picked on because her family is very poor. This little girl has got to be the sweetest child I have ever seen in my life, including my own. Anyway, children are mean and they pick on her terribly. Today X decided that enough was enough and when the little brat made her cry X punched him. Now I know that there is no excuse for violence and blah blah blah blah, but damn I'm proud of him. He stood up for her even though he knows that he'll be ostracized (how's that spelled?) by the "popular" kids for it. That makes me one proud mamasita. After talking to the principal about all of this it was decided that instead of suspension he'll get a referral and it will go on his school record. Whatever, he gets to write a note to put in his file with the referral explaining his side of the story.

The other excitement of the day was when a gaggle of very charming chinese boys descended upon my neighborhood with mounds and mounds of flyers. The flyers were for a new chinese restaurant. That delivers! Delivery is a big selling point for me because up until this point the only places that delivered to my area were pizza joints and I don't really like pizza, but I've eaten it anyway because the novelty of eating out and never having to leave your house has never worn off for me. I'm simple like that.

3:24 p.m. - 5.10.01


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