neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


a brussel sprout in a lobster bisque world

The Artists Way group that I was suckered into sucks. I've been faithfully doing my morning pages and assignments and I actually kind of got into the book itself. I don't know about finding my inner artist but it's kind of nice to have a morning ritual and a bit of me-time every week. So I kind of like the book itself, even though I bitched about it. The group, however, is awful.

My friend Carol that roped me into the group is a friend of mine from when I worked in a very corporate environment. I never really stopped to think that most of her friends are going to be corporate minded people. Now, I don't have anything against working women. Nothing at all. I'm not one of those stay at home holier than thou because I raise my kids instead of a daycare raising them moms. I'm all for working women. If I didn't have such an aversion towards working for someone else I'd be one of those mothers too. Luckily I don't have to and I fully understand how lucky I am to have that luxury. Fully.

That said, these women were awful. One woman was intent on letting me know that her shit was more fragantly satisfying than mine. I dealt with them though. I dealt with all the comments about how lovely it must be to watch soaps all day while the rest of the world ran things. I dealt with the woman who said to me "I'd love to have a life where I didn't have to think on a daily basis." You know, because most people only think when they work. Um, ok. I smiled and took another bite of my cucumber sandwich.

So this one particularly snotty woman decides to start a conversation by asking what food we would be if we could be any food in the world. I felt like I was at a really bad interview. But I answered the best I could.

I said, "I'd probably be liver because who really likes or buys liver? And I'd much prefer a long life to having people love and adore me. Except wait, if I were a liver that would mean that I had to work for the cow before I actually made it to my grocers shelves and who the hell wants to be surrounded by all that blood and gore and actually have to work. And I don't want a cow for a boss. So maybe I'd be a brussel sprout instead."

Now I will admit that I tend to ramble on and on. But is this really a cardinal sin? Does rambling on a bit really make me socially inept? And to tope it off I'm a bit of a dork, and not really grown up at all. I carry a backpack thing instead of a purse, I really like toys and I have a very obsessive love of all things sanrio, particularly badtz maru. But I know how to have a conversation, and I'm not a girly type of girl that giggles and bats her eyes, I have a fully functional brain and I use it as often as I deem necessary.

So why, oh why, after this conversation did I overhear one of the women whispering to Carol about how maybe I wasn't best suited to this group? "Maybe brussel sprouts belong in their own group." That is what this woman said. She was a lobster bisque.

Unfortunately Carol stood up for me and explained to the lady that she felt I was the most artistic of the group and that I was staying. I mean it's cool that she stood up for me and I do love her, but I'd kinda like an out. I don't really want to hang out with these women once a month, sometimes twice.

I should probably get offline and make this mexican casserole that I just got the recipe for. It is absolutely to die for even though it's really an american bastardization of mexican cuisine.

2:11 a.m. - 6.30.01


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