neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


I have nothing to say so you guys are subjected to this

Hi, my name is neuroticgirl and I'm an office supply-aholic.

I keep buying mead composition books. The black and white non-spiral, marbled things. I'm completely addicted to them. I can't figure out why I need them but everytime I go to the store I come home with another one.

I always think that the marbled appearance will inspire me to do something great. It's a compulsion really. When I brought another one home last night Billy brought out all of them and I have 18 little black and white marbled composition books. I think he meant to prove a point to me about not really needing more but instead of the intended effect I just got really excited and felt very important. I mean how can a person who has 18 mead marbled comp books not be important right?

I do actually use them though. I write childrens books in them. I have one for each child where I write a book for them and they get to illustrate it. The kids really get excited about this and they love making up stories with me. So see, they're important. I also use them to write shit. And I do mean shit. One entire book is devoted to really awful haiku that I make my friends help me create, another has lyrics to songs that I for some reason felt that I needed to record for posterity. One has ideas that I have for how to decorate and remodel my house. One day I'll use that. And I have such an awful memory that it helps to write down everything. Anyway, I NEED these books. They validate me.

My addiction is not limited to paper products. I hoard pens, pencils, post-its, paper clips, highlighters, staplers, folders, file stuff, if you can buy it at Staples then I probably have it.

I'm in heaven this week. There's a Real World marathon for the entire week on MTV. Billy is especially happy because it ends at around 3 every day so he isn't subjected to my vices.

There's a banner at the top of this page that I keep misreading as "I stutter ... but I survive."

Maybe I should concentrate on transitions, like maybe office supply addictions shouldn't lead directly to real world marathons and then to misread banners. I'll definitely work on that later. Because for now I don't care about successful segues.

I had this little goldfish that I killed. I didn't know that you're only supposed to clean the tank about once a month and I was cleaning it everytime it looked dirty, which was about 3 times a week. So I stressed the poor thing out and he kicked the bucket. It didn't help any that he wasn't in a real tank, it was a vase type thing that had no filtration system. I have since bought a new fish and a real fish tank with an air pump and whatnot.

I got the fish because Josh and Tiffany got one and it was so cool and I had to have one too. This was a while back mind you, anyway, a few days ago I went to their house and they're fish is still alive in it's dirty little vase thing. So I was telling them how mine wasn't so fortunate and had met an untimely death due to my obsessive compulsive cleaning habits. And that was about the time that they decided that their vase thing needed cleaning and it was Josh's responsibility to clean it. So I'm sitting there with him while he's cleaning it and I notice that he isn't using any dechlorinating stuff and he's kind of trying to make the water the same temperature that the old water is and whatever. And I comment that goldfish live better in cold water than warm but he doesn't listen because he never does and why break the habit now. And I comment that he should really get something to take the chlorine out of the water and again he doesn't listen. And I let it slide because I really didn't expect him to listen to me.

So the vase is clean and the fish should have a happy little smile and his little fish face but he doesn't. In fact he's alternating from floating to swimming to floating again and it's not looking good. This is when I find out that Josh has never cleaned the tank before and he really didn't know what he was doing at all. He decides that the fish is fine and is just playing submarine diver by floating and swimming. But when the fish really starts floating he makes the crucial decision to go tell tiffany that her fish seems to be going the way of all great fishes. She rushes out and performs first aid, fish aid if you will. Turns out that josh seems to have put hot water in the tank and is trying to poach the fish. 20 minutes and a cold tank later the fish is fine and we can all breathe easy now.

But I have been forbidden to visit if I can't manage to refrain from having deceased fish dialogues.

10:38 a.m. - 6.28.01


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