neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


the mower is still functioning

I got half the lawn mowed before Billy got home. I thought we were going to have to take him to the hospital. The moment he saw me wielding his mower he lost his ability to form complete sentences. He said something like this:

uh, uuuuhh, ummmmm, what?, uhh, well, why're you doing that?, uhhh, ummmmm, did you prime it? uhhhh, uhhhhh, uhhhh, was I really that late? ummmm, ummmm, christie, you know how I feel about the mower, ummmm, ummmmm, uhhhhh.

At which point I looked at him and said "Listen bud, the fucking jungle that you are calling our lawn needed to be cut down. You weren't here to do it so I did. Are you going to start bitching about the mower? Or are you going to take charge of the god damn thing and let me go finish the laundry?

He didn't know what to say so he just started mowing.

I don't think I told you guys that I signed the kids up for Boy Scouts. We went to the first meeting and no scout leaders showed up. We figured we'd misunderstood the time. So when I got home I called the leader up, no answer. Whatever. The next week we showed up and waited and finally some guy shows up and tells us that there will be no meeting that night either. The scout leader is sick. So we show up the next week and finally everyone is there and we think that we're going to actually have a meeting.

What followed is one of my worse nightmares.

They got the kids all worked up about camping at Wild Adventures in November. They got the kids all worked up about all the fun things that they are going to be doing. And then they sent the kids outside to play games while they talked to the parents.

It was awful. The leader held this great big enthusiastic pep rally. It seems that they won't have a cub scout troop if the parents don't volunteer to take over. So basically they just got our kids all worked up so that we'd feel like we HAVE to volunteer to be denleader, and cub master, and the commitee, and everything else that is needed to have a cub scout troop. Oh and did I mention that we need to find a new place to meet too? Because the church that it is currently held at is revoking its charter.

What a pain in the ass!

And the leader is a real pain in the ass. She's so fucking perky. All the time. She kept telling us how this wasn't about us, the parents. It was about the kids. And if we don't volunteer to take over then we're just hurting our children. I'm telling you, this bitch must be leaving the Cub Scouts so she can take over for Sally Struthers in feed the children campaigns all over the world.

Tonight is open house at the kids school. Instead of the usual PTA meeting to start it out we are going to be releasing 5,000 helium balloons that have American Flags printed on them. That ought to be interesting.

And finally, I'd like Jen to know that I have broken my lame 7th Heaven addiction. But now, and I am fully blaming this on you, so thanks, I am obsessivly watching Golden Girl reruns.

9:09 a.m. - 09.20.01


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