neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


the human tornado

I don't have anything truly exciting going on today so I'm going to make this a tribute to Caleb. Or should I say, a tribute to the mischeivous little imp that Caleb is. He's grounded for the day so I figured what better way to waste an entry.

It all started when he was old enough to walk. Before then he was just a cute little kid that drooled and giggled. He had us all fooled.

When he was late 3 or early 4 It started. And yes, It needs to be capitalized. The little shit would wake up at ungodly hours of the morning, usually around 3 or 4, and he'd tiptoe around the house getting into stuff.

One day I woke up and the whole house had a mysteriously fruity aroma. I searched everywhere and couldn't find the source of scent. Finally at about 8 that night I realized it was coming from his toy box. My Little chef in the making had dumped out every packet of jello he could get his hands on, he put them all in his toybox (which was empty) and then added water. I have no clue how he did all this without waking us up but he did. The grand finale came when he decided to mix it up using his toys and while he was at it he threw them all back in. So everything was covered with a semi-set coating of jello. That was fun to clean out.

Probably six months later, again while all normal people are sleeping, he managed to climb something and get to a thing of lemon icing. OK, you know how when you bake a cake it never seems like there's enough icing in one container to make it over the entire cake? Well I have no idea how this is possible since I have seen the coverage that one of those things provides on walls and furniture, and let me tell you, it goes a long way. I woke up to find that he'd painted his door, wall, toy box (which never did lose it's faint fruity lemony scent), his headboard, his bookshelf, his matresses, the pillowcases, inside the pillowcases to the pillows, the floor, his shoes, and maybe some places that I didn't notice. I damn near broke down on that one, David came to my rescue. He just happened to drop by at the onset of my maniacal outburst and save the day. He came in, assessed the situation, formed a plan and told me to go take a shower while he handled things. I showered for about 20 minutes and emerged to find everything delightfuly as it was pre-icing. You can't buy that type of friendship. That's one of the reasons that David will always be my best friend.

There have been less severe things too, like mixing shampoo in the bathroom trash to make garbage soup soap. And Caleb has been the angel of death for at least 7 tubes of lipstick, 2 compacts, one mascara, countless sticks of deoderant, and 2 fish that he decided to give a buble bath.

It sounds like the kid has no supervision. But he does. I've been a stay at home mommy almost his entire life. He's just incredibly sneaky, and quiet. You'd never guess from listening to him scream and yell and stomp down the hallway that he could be so stealthy.

The real bitch of it is that he doesn't respond hardly at all to punishments. He's been spanked, grounded, time out'ed, and stood in corners. He's been made to write sentences, he's been spanked some more, he's been grounded some more, he's lost big privelages, he's been denied things he's wanted. Nothing really works very well. So he's gorunded a lot. Which he obviously hates while he's grounded. Maybe he jsut has incredibly short term memory and forgets how bad sitting in his room sucks.

Today it was dog shampoo all over the bathroom floor. He did this right after he'd gotten into the tape and taped up the whole living room in the time it took me to pee. So we sat down and had a long talk about respecting other people's things and keeping the house semi clean. RIGHT after that he poured the dog shampoo on the bathroom floor and fingerpainted with it. Yeesh!

5:12 p.m. - 7.16.01


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