neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


Neuroticgirl and the very busy day

I'm finally home. Let me just tell you what I did today all before 5 o'clock.

Went to Dunkin Donuts and got breakfast for me and a few friends and then went and woke them up, hung out with them for a bit and chowed down.

Went to wal-mart for really important stuff like dish and laundry detergent. While I was there I participated in a bit if retail therapy. I really really love plastic plates and acrylic glasses. I especially love them because Einstein has decided that he LOVES doing the dishes. And he actually washes them pretty well. So I feel better about him washing plastic dinnerware because now he won't slice his hand open if something breaks.

Anyway, went to Publix (a grocery store in case this isn't nationwide) and spent way too much money on groceries but I don't think I'll have to do any heavy shopping for about 2 weeks now so it's entirely worth it.

Dropped off some tapes at blockbuster.

Came home and in the process of putting up groceries realized my refrigerator really needed cleaning so I cleaned the fridge and the freezer threw out all nasty who-knows-how-long-these-have-been-here leftovers. And then put all the groceries up.

Reorganized my cabinets because I wanted to put away the glass dishes.

Washed and put away all the new plastic dishes.

Spilled a pitcher of kool-aid on the floor so I swept and mopped the kitchen floor which led to the bathroom floors.

Picked up Clifford from school.

Went to two different walgreens looking for these trays that I bought last night but they only had two so I need two more. Neither one had them.

Went back and picked up Einstein from school.

Came home and vaccuumed the living room floor because Einstein managed to drop the electric pencil sharpener spilling pencil shavings right in the middle of the floor.

Decided that we should stay at home and watch movies tonight so loaded up the kiddies and headed out to blockbuster to rent movies.

Got home just in time to get a call from my husband. His car is broke down and he needs me to pick him up. Oh, and also his friend is with them because Billy was driving the friend to pick HIS car up from the shop so I need to take the friend to the repair place. OK. Where is he? All the way across town. 40 minutes away. One way.

Whew. I'm glad to be home and happily sitting in front of the computer.

While I'm talking about all this stuff I did today I should mention my husband. He is so not one of those people that walk in the house with the "what did you do all day?" attitude. When he comes home from work one of the first things he does is comment on how nice the house looks or something like that. Most people wouldn't really notice that I cleaned the fridge but I didn't even have to tell him. He opened it to get a drink and immediately said "Damn Supergirl, how much did you do today? The fridge looks great."

Our relationship has been very nice recently. After close to 7 years of marriage we're finally where I always wanted to be. He used to not notice things, he used to get mad when I spent a lot of money at one time. He used to be really snippy with the kids. He used to not talk to me when something was bothering him. Lately he's been a new man though. I guess we're finally getting into the groove of being married. Took long enough.

Not that it was bad before, it just wasn't this good. And I'm sure there are always dips and valleys to go with the good times. But it's really nice right now.

I'm tired, I think I'll take a little teensy nap before I cook dinner.

5:05 p.m. - 5.18.01


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