neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


urban gangsters with vaginal foreign objects, yo

I need someone to tell me that I should go to bed.

Tonight I'm spending the night at home for the first time in like a week. It's strange to not have someone to curl up and sleep with. I mean I curled up with him for a while before I came home, but it'll be weird to not wake up with him too.

I keep getting the feeling that I'm going to fuck this up. Or more appropriately I keep getting the feeling that he's gonna 'find me out' and the bubble will pop. Because I always feel like a great big fraud.

When someone makes a comment about me I always think "whew, I have another one fooled!" Like if someone says I'm funny I think it's cool that I managed to act funny long enough to deceive them. Same goes with being called smart, or pretty, or talented at something, or pretty much anything. I just always think that I've got everyone tricked. Because I may have no brains and no sense of humor and no talent but I am obviously the queen of deception. Obviously.

I'm going to write a list of my faults and make Him read them so that no surprises come up in the course of our relationship. And when he calls me silly I can refer Him to number 583 on the fault list and say in a really snarky voice "you can't say I didn't warn you!" The bitch of it is that he knows me better than anyone I've ever known because we've been friends for a long time and he probably knows my faults better than I do. Maybe I should just contract the list job out to him, he can draft me a fault list and I'll just change the font or something and return it to him as though I wrote it myself. And I bet he wouldn't even think to put plagiarism on the list. And then I can point out that he didn't know me as well as he thought he did.

I think I'm getting a little carried away with this. Possibly it's sleep deprivation. Which I don't mind really. I'm one of those girls that really values a good nights sleep, but I'll forfeit good sleep for great sex (!) any day. And wow (!) great sex doesn't even begin to do it justice. I don't think I've ever written about anything even remotely sexual in this diary because I just haven't but He's got these 'mad skillz' that definitely warrant a shout out. (notice how late at night I tend to want to speak like I've turned into some young hip urban gangsta, yo) Seriously though, he's a very talented man. Ahem.

Today I had two slightly disturbing google searches. The first was house of sissy. Is this something I should be aware of? Am I now to add sissy to my fault list? The second was truly disturbing to me. Ready?


Can I just clarify that I have never had a foreign object stuck in or around my vagina. Never. Nor have I ever known anyone who has told me that they got something stuck in their girl bits. So where the fuck did that come from? When I clicked the link it didn't take me to search results that showed my page so I don't know. But I keep picturing me (but not really ME me, just a random not-really-me me) running around getting things stuck in her (her not me because it isn't really ME me, remember?) vagina and casually bringing it up in everyday conversations and random journal entries.


1:01 a.m. - 06.28.02


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