neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 911 ... what's your emergency? Today I learned not to bitch about my boring life. Because exciting doesn't necesarily mean fun. I was on the phone trying to make an appointment with a doctor. This was nearly impossible because my insurance company is folding so the doctors are dropping off the list like flies. And it'd be easy if I could just go to MY doctor. I've had him forever and I love him but he is associated with a hospital that my new insurance doesn't cover. So I have to leave him. I pull out the copy of a page of the provider directory that the receptionist at billys work made for me because Mayo Health Plan is the worst insurance company in the world and they are incapable of performing such trivial tasks as sending me my own copy. That was a long sentence, I know. Anyway, I pull out that page and start calling. No one wants to see me. I mean some of them do, but the ones that do are the ones that are associated with the scummiest hospitals in this city and I refuse to spend an hour much less a night in one of these hospitals. So I finally get an appointment. Finally. And I'm all excited until they tell me that they don't have a slot for me until the third week in september. And that's a little too late. So I start calling some more. And some more, and some more. And then some. Finally find a doctor and I'm pretty happy with this. I hang up the phone and go to tell the kids that I'm sorry I had to ignore them for a bit and we're going to play some games. So I get out monopoly jr. and scrabble jr. and we start playing. 20 minutes into the game there's a knock at my door. It's a policeman. He's looking all suspicious and asking me if there's an emergency. I tell him no, and think that he's got the wrong address since the police were at my neighbors house for about 4 hours yesterday. I naturally assume that they mean to be over there. But no. It seems that someone coughCalebcoughcough, has called 911 on my mothers phone line while I was on the phone with a million doctors. So the good news is that I now know that it takes approximately 30 minutes to obtain police service in case of emergency. The bad news is that I don't have enough duct tape to lock the kid up and I have to pay a 50 dollar fine for the false alarm. I'd really like to murder Caleb right now but now that he's proven he knows how to get help I think that's a bad idea. And in his defense, my mother sat around last night showing him all her speed dial buttons and showing him how to call my number from her speed dial. My number just happens to be #1. Which is right next to the emergency buttons. And last night my mom was amusing herself by phoning me from her bedroom to ask assinine questions like "when is dinner going to be done?" and "what's on TV?" So I'm sure that Caleb meant to call and harrass me but he's not allowed to use the phone and his little butt is still grounded until he's 18. Or something like that. I now really want my boring days back. When does school start again? 2:30 p.m. - 7.25.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |