neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


computers are eeeevil and make you pee your pants

Since I'm so awful at responding to guestbook signings and e-mails and stuff I thought I'd do a big thing here to make up for it. But maybe not the big part.

Tattoobelly. I can't find Red Oak Lager anywhere here. Because that is my luck. I don't really mind corona light all that much, it's ok so far. But I'm still searching for the Red Oak Lager, thanks for the suggestion.

Milkmaid. You have said lots of really nice inspirational things that have made me feel a lot better about the way I feel. So thank you. Also, I was in line to pick the kids up from school on Friday and there was a car in front of me with a bunch of tasteful pagan bumper stickers on her car. When I got out of the car I made a point of saying hi to her because I like that she was completely unapologetic about her spiritual affiliations. She was so super sweet, even when some of the local rednecks hyucked it up at her expense. I don't know why I launched into all of that just to say that I met this woman that made me think of you.

And to everyone else who has signed the book or sent me e-mail, thanks.

Yeah, I know that was lame. What can I say, I'm in a lame kind of mood.

Did I mention that I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago? I didn't really get it cut cut. I just added some long layers. I didn't like it at first but I think it's growing on me (no pun intended.) The only thing I don't like about it is that with all the weight removed from a lot of the layers my hair is spiraling out of control. I can't make it very straight at all anymore. Which is kind of entertaining every now and then because there is a certain satisfaction in pulling one of the strands straight and letting go to watch it bounce back into it's spiral state. But then I start thinking that only insane people stand in front of mirrors watching their hair bounce to and fro.


Ian is still liking school but Caleb is hating it. He peed in his pants at school yesterday. Because he was too busy on the computer and didn't want to leave his technological nirvana long enough to relieve himself. Which bugs the shit out of me.

The computer has become a big issue in our house. Billy sits in front of it in a vegetative state for hours at a time. It's really quite pathetic. And when he's not on the computer he's on the phone talking to someone whom he has met online. And while he's on the phone he'll just let the kids do whatever they want to do to keep them out of his hair. This includes letting Caleb sit on the computer playing video games for god only knows how long. I have issues with this.

Kids should be playing outside and catching bugs and playing tag and hide and go seek. They should be plotting to outsmart us parents in some minor way that will make them feel independent. They should be reading and learning and experiencing awesome things for the first time. Like when Ian came running inside to tell us that he thought he figured out the key to the whole sun rising phenomena. They shouldn't be sitting inside growing paler and paler, their faces lit by the greenish glow of the computer screen. Billy disagrees. "Maybe they'll become wealthy computer programmers!" Yeah, maybe they will. Or maybe they could become not so wealthy, well adjusted, happy adults who can walk into the sunlight without cowering from the brightness.

So we have to work on that.

I have a million things I need to do today. And I'm tired. So I should go.

9:37 a.m. - 08.13.02


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