neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


what a day!

What a day.

Last night/Really early this morning. Some heartless, mean-spirited, worthless fucking prick stole Ian's bike. Ian was heartbroken. I promised to drive around the neighborhood as soon as we got back from taking grandma to work. But he was still heartbroken.

Taking my mom to work. The car is driving funny. Kind of pulling off to the left. I make a mental note to get that checked out. I drop her off and head back to my neighborhood. Before I can make it my tire blows. Right in front of this little podunk tire retailer. The guy had about 3 teeth on the top and 2 on the bottom. And he's laughing when I walk in. He's laughing because he is about to attempt to fuck me. Not literally. Or maybe, who knows.

Anyway, I walk in and he says "I guess you need a tire more than most people that come in here so I'll cut you a deal. I'll give you the tire for 100 dollars." Um, that'a not a deal. In fact, that's more than the board says it should be. So he hands me some crap about how my tire size is abnormal and that's why it costs more. What-the-fuck-ever. He's smug and convinced that he has me by the balls and I'm about to fork over 100 bucks for a tire.

But I don't. I walked right out to my car and put the spare on. I was really nervous too. Because I've never actually changed a tire before but I've watched lots of times. But I did it. And happily drove to a different tire retailer. Where I learned that my other fron tire was fucked too because the wear had been uneven or some such shit. I don't know, but I needed two new front tires. I ended up paying 80. For two.

So now we are headed back to search the neighborhood for Ian's stolen bike. And we drive around for an hour and a half and it's no where. Ian really got to me when he said "It's like my heart is broken right out of my chest." And he did love that bike. He had named it mangolightening (I don't know where he gets this stuff) and he rode it ALL THE TIME. So he's crying and Calebs asleep on the back seat and I'm trying desperately not to cry for the poor kid and I say fuck it. And we go to target and buy him a new bike. Because it's not his fault it got stolen. Someone broke the combination lock he had it on. It's not like he was careless about leaving it lying around. Anyway, I bought him a new bike. He hasn't named the new one yet.

Then we had to go grocery shopping. And Caleb was being whiny. Whine whine whine. I almost just left him in the cheese aisle. But he wouldn't have understood. So I dealt with him being whiny for about 15 minutes. And then I couldn't take it anymore. So I knelt down real close to him and said, in that gritting your teeth together voice "If you don't quit whining and ...." then he threw up on me. The poor thing had felt ill all morning and never said anything. Of course I felt like shit because I was yelling at him and he was sick.

It was only 10:30. We abandoned the cart and walked to the car. And you know, people really leave you alone when you're dripping vomit. We came home and I decided to call it day. The universe obviously does not want me out and about today.

3:19 p.m. - 8.3.01


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