neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


my day

I keep on opening the add an entry page and starting to type but then I realize that there's nothing to type about.

Everyday it's the same.

-Wake up at 4:30.

-Feed the baby while I wake up the kids and yell at them to get dressed.

-Get dressed myself.

-Try to round everybody up and herd them to the car by 5:30.

-5:45 finally get everybody into the car and take billy to work.

-6:30 get home and feed the baby again because he fell asleep while eating earlier and now he's awake and doing the hungry scream.

-7:30 Run around in a frenzy trying to find Ian's homework from last night or Caleb's book report that he swears he put in his backpack and he knows that I must have taken it out and lost it.

-7:59 finally find Caleb's book report in the refrigerator from when he went in there and snuck that cup of yogurt last night and then proceeded to spill it on his bed while trying to eat it under the covers. (why doesn't he just say \"hey mom, I'm getting some yogurt\" or for that matter just get the damn yogurt and eat it in the kitchen? I am not the food nazi. I don't give a flying fuck if he's eating yogurt.

-8:00 run out the door to get them to school.

-8:15 get home and get online to check e-mail and diaryland so that I can read about other people's lives and live vicariously through them.

-9:00-2:30 what the hell do I do during this time that makes me feel so busy? I play with the baby, watch him sleep most of the day, clean the house, check my e-mail every now and then but I never respond to any e-mail because god forbid that I respond to someone in a timely manner. But really, I don't do THAT much.

-2:45 go pick up the kids from school

-3:15 get home and frantically find something for dinner since I didn't take anything out to thaw because I ALWAYS forget until the kids are up my ass bitching about starving to death and what's for dinner? which I never bother answering anyway because unless I say something that starts with Chefboyardee or Scooby Doo macaroni they will whine and moan and groan and generally make me want to offer them up as sacrifice to the kitchen gods.

-this is where I lose track of time

-I nag the kids about doing their homework. This lasts all night long.

-make dinner while helping Caleb do math, helping Ian with his science which requires that I plant lima beans while stirring dinner and simultaneously singing twenty repitions of twinkle twinkle little star to the baby because he is upset that he isn't getting any attention and twinkle twinkle little star is the only fucking baby song that I know.

-try to explain to Ian that singing Britanny Spears songs to the baby will warp the poor things impressionable mind and make him a social pariah in the years to come

-billy gets home

-we eat

-we try to get the kids to the bathtub without having to use the stun gun which is no easy task since they feel that exposing their delicate skin to water might cause a chemical reaction that will leave them shiny and clean for life. God forbid.

-we start the parade of bedtimes accompanied by the soundtrack of what must be torture victims because who knew that Caleb could emit such a high pitched noise when told it's his bedtime.

-and then the real fun begins. Apparently the air in their bedrooms is very dry. So dry that it sucks all of the moisture out of their mouths and causes them to need 57,941 drinks of water before they can stay in their beds.

-They stay in bed about 15 minutes before all that water kicks in and they start their 279 treks to the bathroom.

-Somewhere after all of this I feed the baby and put him to bed.

-I think I must just pass out at that point because I really can't think of what I do after that.

Add in there about 100 diaper changes and quite a few feedings and you have my entire day.

I have got to find a hobby. Or good valium. I'm in desperate need of a break from routine.

9:02 a.m. - 04.17.02


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