neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


pregnancy woes

I finally got a pair of jeans that are "real" jeans. !!! Instead of that fake denim, thin ugly stuff. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Maternity clothes suck so badly. Today I went shopping and got that pair of jeans and one shirt. That's it. Out of 7 stores that I went to that is all that I found that was even somewhat cute. Because I'm not about those god awful pink or blue shirts with teddy bears or big poufy letters that spell out b-a-b-y and have an arrow pointing down at the gigantic belly. If you can't tell that I'm pregnant then you probably can't read either so why the hell would I advertise?

Did I ever write about how large the baby is?

The doctor doesn't think that he'll let me go to my due date. The baby is already so large that he doesn't think I'll be able to deliver the thing if they let it go the full 9 months. So I'll probably have labor induced sometime in beginning or middle of March. This requires some kind of steroid injection or medication of something to mature the baby's lungs faster than they would naturally.

I'm making myself not worry about this until the time comes for me to worry. What I am worried about, maybe not worried but at the very least, highly annoyed, is that I have to start physical therapy.

My hips, especially the right one, jsut don't work well anymore. The doctor says it's because the weight of the baby has settled on my hips and they just weren't meant to hold that kind of pressure. I'll be walking and my hip will just quit working. And sometimes when I'm laying down and try to roll over, I'll rotate my leg the wrong way and you'll hear this loud pop, and it hurts like hell. And getting into a sitting position and standing from a sitting position aren't exactly comfortable either. Billy keeps joking that he's going to install one of those armrest things that go around toilets. At first this would make me slightly irritable, but now I'm kinda hoping that he'll really install one. And while he's at it if he could build some sort of support shelf that would hold up my stomach ...

In other news, I went over to my friend Jens house tonight. I always forget how much I love her because I go through random spurts where I don't really leave my house and kind of lose communication with the outside world. I haven't been to her house to hang out with her in at least 3 months. Which is really inexcusable since she lives about 1 mile away from me and we've been friends for 12 years. The point was that I went over there and left thinking the same thing I always think when I haven't visited her in a while, "why the hell don't I visit her more often?!"

And Jen, of fame, is writing again, and I've missed her so much, so I'm excited to be able to read about her and Joseph and Jesse again.

10:45 p.m. - 01.05.02


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