neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


The dummies guide to becoming who you hate

Nothing has happened since the last time I wrote, and I have been purposefully trying not to think so there's really nothing new that I've been thinking about either. I'm just writing because I've promised myself that I'd write more often.

That's not true. I've been trying not to make myself think because I've been thinking a lot. Drinking a lot too. In fact the whole drinking thing is what led to the whole thinking thing.

Oh bloody hell, let me just write this all down.

1. Goldschlager is EVIL!! EEEEEVIL!

2. taking 7 shots of goldschlager makes one become evil and do naughty things

3. playing trivial pursuit is more than just a game it's an adventure when one has consumed 7 shots of evil substance

4. when you've invited people back to your house after the bar closes to play trivial pursuit and then you're too drunk to even read the cards all of those people will leave one by one.....except one

5. the one person that stays will be the one person that you have no ability what-so-ever to say no to and you'll end up attempting to watch high fidelity while curled up on the couch with said person (while your boy thing is asleep in the bedroom)

6. you won't make it past the previews before you're making out uncontrollably and knowing that you should stop but not wanting to

7. you'll end up passing out, thankfully (or unfortunately), and not ever making it past the hand on the breast stage of making out

8. the next day, between fuzzy thoughts and a throbbing headache all you'll be able to think about is this guy that you made out with and you'll want more (in a sad pathetic kind of way), but you can't because you were too drunk to know if he was drunk or not, and therefore not knowing whether he wanted to make out with you or the alcohol wanted to make out with you. blah, it's a vicious cycle

9. your boy thing will now become even less appealing to you and

you will obsess about the new guy, going to the bar when you think he'll be there, being disappointed when he's not and so on

10. through all of this you will still feel guilty because your best friend in the whole world is going through hell, and can't come home for another week or two and even though he'll run back to his girlfriend that doesn't deserve him (and has the IQ of my new shitzu puppy whose name, incidentally, rhymes with hers perfectly) you will still feel guilty because you feel you have been having too much fun.

the really wrong thing about all of this is that it makes me one of the stupid little girls that I can't stand, I mean it's like I followed the "how to dumb yourself down, make an ass of yourself and become codependent" guide for dummies.

oh jesus, I've confused myself more, fuck it, I've got to go get ready to go to the bar and patiently await my prince charming, the frog

1:47 p.m. - 3.6.01


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