neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


everything and nothing with a little luck thrown in

All day long I've been wanting to write an entry but I've stopped myself because I don't really have anything to say. But my willpower didn't last so here I am. You'll just have to excuse this entry.

My throat is done hurting.

My dogs back half looks like a freakin brillo pad because for some reason from her waist up she stays pristine but from the waist down she becomes a mass of tangled um, tangles. Even if she's just been groomed, it only takes two hours for her to mat up her rear end. I just don't get it. It's so bad that people who stop by to visit must think the poor thing is abused. Only god knows what one would need to do to a dog to make it's ass look as bad as hers. But I'm sure that's what they think I must do to her.

Last night I made this pork chop apple stuffing thing that smelled divine but tasted like ass. So if you ever happen to see a recipe that calls for a can of apple pie filling and browned pork chops over that with a big glop of stuffing to top it off, do not attempt to make AND ingest it. I'm just saying.

Also, smoothies do not taste as good if you add a raw egg to them. Protein Schmotein. It's nasty.

I've started reading the Harry Potter books about a decade behind the times as usual. So far they're pretty good, and I'm sure I'll enjoy them more when I get over that feeling that one of my children should be sitting on my lap while I read. Because adults may love these books but that still doesn't erase the fact that they were written for children. But as I was saying, they're good.

What else? What else?

Oh! I got my new voters registration card in the mail today and had no idea that they just mail it like a postcard with all my personal information right there for the whole world to see. How annoying is that? And just to reinforce the fact that I hate my mailman when I went to get the mail he said "so you're a democrat eh?" Which, yes, I am, as you can plainly see right there on my voting card and I don't care who knows that I'm a democrat but I do despise anything that gives him a reason to speak out loud to me. The smarmy looks and inpatient sighs will do just fine thanks now shut the fuck up.

I think possibly I get a bit too upset about the mailman.

Tomorrow is the last day of summer school for caleb. He's so excited for it to be over. I'm almost positive that he's going to pass since he's gotten one unsatisfactory and 7 satisfactories but I still get nervous about these things. Everybody wish me luck. No wait, shouldn't that be wish him luck. Either way, there is luck to be wished and I'd love it if you did so. Especially if you did so in my guestbook.

1:54 p.m. - 7.12.01


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