neuroticgirl's Diaryland Diary


what a day!

It's been such a strange day.

The kids are with their dad so David and I have the weekend to ourselves. This is cool since yesterday marks one year since we confessed to having pretty strong feelings for one another. So we have our anniversary weekend (one day isn't enough) all to ourselves.

Anyway, I drank maybe a bit too much last night when we went out so I woke up with a whole giant cobweb metropolis in my head this morning.

I didn't get a chance to clear all those out before we headed out to a little league game way out in Bum Fuck Baldwin. And that was it's own story entirely.

To start it off we drove forever to finally get to the street the ball park was on then we drove slowly to find the park. I said "there it is David, no wait, that's a trailer park. No wait � that is it!"

It looked like a trailer park. And it was scary. There were mongoloid inbreeds swarming all over the place. Maybe not visibly swarming but you could feel their presence just outside of the perimeter of the park, looming in the woods. Freaky.

Then the other team had this psycho assistant coach that would hit himself in the head and mumble a lot. When he wasn't screaming. He fought with the umpire, he fought with the kids, he fought with our teams parents. He was a true head case. The umpire finally kicked him out of the game for being so god damn unstable.

I guess that's all that really happened that was all that weird today but I guess that was enough.

Oh. Except that when I went to Chamblin today I was driving merrily home, secure in the knowledge that I had obtained yet more books in my quest to own ALL the books, when suddenly this vision of pink caught my eye. Why is their yard pink I thought and turned my head to get a better look.

They were being attacked by pink plastic flamingos. They were every freakin where. At least 50 of them. Tomorrow I'm going to try to get a picture of it and post it here. You have to be as horrified as I was.

Another thing I want a picture of is my neighbors yard ornaments. The ones next door to me and the ones across the street from them. The ones next door just have this one neon colored bee thing that has multi-colored windmill wings. The real ornamentation comes at night when it's ass lights up as the wings spin around.

But the ones across from them, I just don't know the words to get through to you how tacky their yard is. So I'll try to get a picture of their yard as well. But the husband's a little bit weird so I'll have to snap it on the sly.

7:38 p.m. - 04.26.03


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